Monday, May 12, 2014

Writer's Notebook: Planting a Seed

With an integrated topic of Night and Day, it is easy to go off on a tangent into the interesting topic of Outer Space. 

This picture acted as a "seed" in our Writer's Notebooks. 

During a Word Splash (5 minutes of writing words and phrases that come into our minds whilst pondering the picture or "seed", writing ideas begin to "sprout". 

Finally, ideas "bloom" as we determine what text types could be written. 

Writer's Notebook: Character Creation inspired by The Minpins

During our reading of The Minpins, students were inspired to create their own forest-dwelling creatures.  Our Writer's Notebooks are places for ideas to form and flourish, so was the perfect place to draw, label and describe. Here is Reuben's Minipin!